Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What the...?!

As a father of two who takes so much pride in bringing up, nurturing, teaching, learning with and from my children, I am thoroughly disgusted and saddened every day at the news of child abuse all over the world. I know the old adage ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ is cute and sweet and makes us all feel warm and fuzzy while at the same time providing parents with an excuse to not take on the responsibilities there actions dictate. You create a child, you take care of the child, and when you are old an incapable of taking care of yourself, (hopefully) the child takes care of you. Sounds like a pretty realistic expectation to me, but apparently I am naive.

I just read a story about a mother who slapped her three year old daughter to death and had the audacity to say it was her, the mother, who was abused as her hand hurt or was swollen from the beating. Do what? Now, I’ve never really been a staunch advocate for the death penalty, at least not without due process, but I find it very difficult not to wish the absolute worst scenarios upon anyone who harms a child like this. I’m talking as painful and cruel and unusual as we can possibly come up with kind of torture. If you are a parent or even just a caring member of society you must understand my frustration here. I know, that makes me sound abhorrent or malicious or uncaring, but I just want people to be accountable for their actions. Maybe it is true on some levels that we can rehabilitate some of these people; I have to hope that is true, but if someone is screwed up or mentally unbalanced enough to kill their child and say they were the one abused, I have to ask for the old ‘eye-for-an-eye’ punishment that was and in some countries is still proscribed. And just to clarify, I am not a religious person, I do not practice any form of organized religion, I am not a zealot, but I do meditate. I am just tired of all the crazy and horrible things we do to our children and wanted to put my thoughts out there. Agree or not, please…but please don’t argue with me without a better solution.

See the story here:
under headline "Picking on the victim"


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