Monday, October 30, 2006

Morons In Our Midst

Is it just me or is there something (or several things) that occur in your life everyday that lead you to believe that people, not you or me of course, are morons? Even the simplest of directions cause them to panic or worse, convulse! I hear from people throughout the day, every day, that are calling me and knowingly have not followed the protocol spelled out to them so thoroughly as to piss off a seven year old for too much repetition! And how do they start off their message, or worse our conversation (yes, actually talking to a moron is exponentially more painful then listening to a voicemail message), ‘I know I was supposed to…’ or “I realize this isn’t how I was supposed to do this, but…’
Are these the same self-absorbed morons that can’t decide that eating trans fat is bad for you so NYC has to ban it as in cashblog’s article? Or the people that decide not to wear their seatbelt because they wouldn’t be able to get out of their vehicle in an accident or the seatbelt would wrinkle their clothes? Let’s see Mr. Consumer, here are the steps to make sure this process runs smoothly and to ensure that you are satisfied with your experience. ‘Nah, those rules don’t apply to me and if you cant kiss my ass gently, but firmly enough to satisfy me, I’ll complain to your boss and I’ll get what I want anyway.' And that all too often is tue. I'll call it Societal/Customer Dis-Service! Let's face it, the customer is NOT always right!
This friggin society we live in with its 24/7 expectations and entitlement is driving me insane (not literally, but go with me for the sake of this argument)! When I grew up we didn’t expect the local grocery store to be open on Thanksgiving in case we F’d up the turkey so we could get pizza or more booze because your crazy cousin drank it all the night before when everyone was in bed already. I mean, come on, don’t those people have family and lives of their own? Don’t we value our fellow man/woman the same as we value ourselves and/or members of our family? Of course not, because so many people have come to expect -and society, specifically greedy businesses, have not only succumb to their every whim, but have catered to their every desire to the point that when I drive by a convenience store over a holiday I feel badly for those working inside and not being able to spend time with their family and/or friends. Let's face it, our time is valuable and nothing shows another person you care about them quite as much as when you share yours with them!
So in the future, please do yourself a favor and when someone actually takes a few moments of their valuable time to explain something to you so as to make it easier for you in the future, shut your mouth and open yours ears and mind! ‘Nuf said.


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